Saturday, October 6, 2012


Image Hosted by HADEJIA A YAU!
The new ideas generated as a result of their policies had brought together people of diverse (descent) linguistic and occupational groups under one
umbrella. Although ever since their migration into Hausa land, some fulani Jihadists in due course became confidants and advisers to some Hausa rulers, there was a strong and persistent tendency among the Jihadists of avoiding close association with HABE SARAKUNA, either because of
the fear or being contaminated with Illigally acquired wealth or because most of the Habe palaces remained a stronghold of various traditional cultssuch as BORI Cult.

This made the devoted Ulamas keep their distance from the rulers (sarakuna). It was the relationship between these two classes the Ulamas and the Habe rulers that
eventually led to the outbreak of the Jihad in Hausa land at the beginning of the 19th Century.
The condition of Hausa society at the eve of Jihad was anything but fair, especially the socio-economic system.

Virtually all the rulers were norminal Muslims and therefore hardly enforced the Sharia system. At the same time enforced excessive taxation. Yet in the midst of the suffering and hardship, the rulers continued to be corrupt, unjust and indifferent to the plight of the oppressed.

There seem to be some confusion as regards the exact time when the fulani Jihadists first came and established their wet-season camps in the plentiful grazing land of the Auyo/Hadejia riverrine savannah land, the confusion is due to the multiple causes of Nomadic Fulani movements in the
Nigerian Savannah in general and the Hadejia area in particular. H.M. Brice Smith, has placed the coming of the Fulani into the Hadejia area at themiddle or late 1700 A.D.

But according to A. Abdu Maigari, the Fulani came to Hadejia area from Machina in Borno during the 15th Century.
An early Fulani settler in Hadejia who became very influential in one Hardo Abdure dan Jamdoyji, wealthy Fulani who traced his Origin to Machina in Borno. Hardo Abdure established his dry season camp in Hadejia at Jarmari during the early 18th Century.
Jarmari is located few kilometres from Hadejia town. As the case will all Nomadic Fulani camps the one established by Hardo Abdure at Jarmari was not meant to be permanent abode.

Rather it was ment to serve the
purpose of their seasonal movements.


  1. Aikin ka yana kyau Allah ya Kara basirah.

  2. Allah ya taimaki masarautar Hadejia Amin.
