Sunday, April 29, 2012
Dandalin Muazu Hadejia KUKAN KURCIYA..... Da kun ban gari da nayi tsokaci akan wannan hare haren boma bomai da ake kaiwa Arewacin Nigeria. Wata rana ina dan primary, malamin social studies yake bamu tarihin Hitler Adolph na Jamus sai naji yana cewa hitler in zaici gari da yaki da farko yana kai hari ga jami'an tsaro sannan sai ya kai hari cibiyar kasuwanci da gun ajiyar kudi. Bayan nan sai ya kai hari ga matasa 'yan makaranta! In yayi haka to ya karya tattalin Arzikin ku sai kuma yayi muku duk abinda yaga dama. Abin tambaya anan shine... Anya tarihi bai maimaita kansa ba? Musamman a kasata Nigeria? Yayinda shugaba yakeso ya tabbata a mulki zai iya amfani da salon Hitler yaci gaba da mulkinsa a tsunake. Yasan ba ta mulki kuke ba ku dai ku samu zaman Lafiya. Jama'a yakin ruwa fa ya tadda sakaina! Ya kamata muyi karatun ta nutsu game da Hare haren nan da ake kai mana da sunan wata kungiyar da babu ita. Ka dauka cewa duk abinda ya samu dan Borno ya sameka kai dan sokoto. Muyi kokari mu gyara kasarmu, muyi ta Addu'ah Allah ya kauda mana Miyagun Shugabanni. Kamar yanda Allah ya kawar da Hitler Adolph na Jamus. http://
Friday, April 27, 2012
Who Are the Fulani People? Origins The history of the Fulani seems to begin with the Berber people of North Africa around the 8th or 11th century AD. As the Berbers migrated down from North Africa and mixed with the peoples in the Senegal region of West Africa the Fulani people came into existence. Over a thousand year period from AD 900 - 1900, they spread out over most of West Africa and even into some areas of Central Africa. Some groups of Fulani have been found as far as the western borders of Ethiopia. As they migrated eastward they came into contact with different African tribes. As they encountered these other peoples, they conquered the less powerful tribes. Along the way many Fulani completely or partially abandoned their traditional nomadic life in favor of a sedentary existence in towns or on farms among the conquered peoples. The nomadic Fulani continued eastward in search of the best grazing land for their cattle. Their lives revolved around and were dedicated to their herds. The more cattle a man owned, the more respect he was given. Today, some estimate as many as 18 million Fulani people stretch across the countries of West Africa. They remain to be the largest group of nomadic people in the world. What Do the Fulani Believe? Religion and Beliefs: The Fulani were one of the first African tribes to convert to Islam and are today more than 99% Muslim. The devoutly Muslim Fulani have seen themselves as the propagators and preservers of the Islamic faith in West Africa from as early as the fourteenth century. Historically it was a Fulani chief named Usuman dan Fodio, along with nomadic Fulani herdsmen who were instrumental in facilitating the spread of Islam across West Africa through evangelism and conquest. At times they would wage "holy wars" or jihad in order to extend and purify Islam. As the Fulani migrated eastward they spread their Islamic beliefs. As they became more powerful and attained more wealth they began to be more aggressive with their religion. Their adoption of Islam increased their feeling of cultural and religious superiority to surrounding peoples, and that adoption became a major ethnic boundary marker. Some settled in towns and quickly became noted as outstanding Islamic clerics, joining the highest ranking Berbers and Arabs.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Wannan dandali zai kawo muku tarihin unguwannin da suke cikin Garin Hadejia. Kuma zamu fara da...
UNGUWAR FANTAI- fantai tana daya daga cikin unguwanni masu tarihi a Hadejia, wato lokacin da aka jaddada Addinin musulunci akwai Sarkin Hadejia na wancan lokacin wato sarkin Habe Abubakar, basu yarda sunbi Daular Usman Dan fodiyo ba. Sai suka tare unguwar fantai wato gabas da Hadejia sukaci gaba da zama anan. A lokacin tana da nisa da cikin garin Hadejia. Kuma ba'ayi yaki dasu ba.
Wannan dandali zai kawo muku tarihin unguwannin da suke cikin Garin Hadejia. Kuma zamu fara da...
UNGUWAR FANTAI- fantai tana daya daga cikin unguwanni masu tarihi a Hadejia, wato lokacin da aka jaddada Addinin musulunci akwai Sarkin Hadejia na wancan lokacin wato sarkin Habe Abubakar, basu yarda sunbi Daular Usman Dan fodiyo ba. Sai suka tare unguwar fantai wato gabas da Hadejia sukaci gaba da zama anan. A lokacin tana da nisa da cikin garin Hadejia. Kuma ba'ayi yaki dasu ba.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Wakar Tsuntsaye; Daga
Ahmadu Dan Matawalle
Amshi: Sake shiri fasihi, Bamu jawabi
na Garba mai Yammata.
Taro na baku labari kuji wal khamisatu Ashara wannan babi na sha biyar ne Tsuntsaye zasu jesu neman sarki.
1] Tsuntsayen gida da daji, sun hadu
sun girka shawara, Jimina itace
gwamna tace zata yi musu Sarki.
2] Agwagwa aka bai sarauta, sunce
wofi marar karama, yar banza mai
kama da gammo, bata da siffar da
zasu bita kazama.
3] Hankaka ka bai sarauta, sun ce su
dai ba zasu lamunta ba, sun sake
shawara suna cewa 'Danfashi' bazai
sarki ba.
4] Aka bai Mikiya sarauta, sunce
wannan in ta samu mulki, ita wa zaya
ganta, sai ko mushe ya fadi zaka
ganta da sauri.
5]Borin-Tunke ka bai sarauta,
tsuntsaye duk suna ta mamaki, sai
wannan ya dubi wannan, wai dan sun
sami Shugaba maigirma.
6] Da Shaho yazo da kansa, tsuntsaye
sai suke ta mamaki, sai wannan ya
Wakar Tsuntsaye; Daga
Ahmadu Dan Matawalle
Amshi: Sake shiri fasihi Bamu jawabin
na Garba mai Yammata
1] Tsuntsayen gida da daji, sun hadu
sun girka shawara, Jimina itace
gwamna tace zata yi musu Sarki.
2] Agwagwa aka bai sarauta, sunce
wofi marar karama, yar banza mai
kama da gammo, bata da siffar da
zasu bita kazama.
3] Hankaka ka bai sarauta, sun ce su
dai ba zasu lamunta ba, sun sake
shawara suna cewa 'Danfashi' bazai
sarki ba.
4] Aka bai Mikiya sarauta, sunce
wannan in ta samu mulki, ita wa zaya
ganta, sai ko mushe ya fadi zaka
ganta da sauri.
5]Borin-Tunke ka bai sarauta,
tsuntsaye duk suna ta mamaki, sai
wannan ya dubi wannan, wai dan sun
sami Shugaba maigirma.
6] Da Shaho yazo da kansa, tsuntsaye
sai suke ta mamaki, sai wannan ya
dubi wannan, Shaho yazo shi babu
sauran wargi.
7] shaho ta bai sarauta, tsuntsaye sai
kuzo ku kai caffa, Borin-Tunke ka dau
jakarka a hannu.
8] Fadawa kuzo nadin Shaho, Zabin
dake cikin dawa, sune yan figini
mabusa Sarki.
9] Zalbe ka baiwa mai Kakaki, yan
doka tambura ne Burtu.
10] Zagage ka baiwa Balbela, Zakaran
Kekuwa kasa yan kurya
11] Ga Tsintara tana algaita, ga
Hasbiya tana buga Jauje
12] shaho yana jawabi, Borin tunke ka
bai Waziri, Gauraka ne Ciroma mai
13] Kuma Tuje ka bai Galadima,
Madakin gari ka baiwa Dinya.
14] Sarkin Bayi Shamuwa ce, sannan
Sarkin dawa Kitsawa ce, Alkalin gari ka
bai Kahuhu.
15] Marke ka baiwa Yari, Sa'annan
angulaye kurhu na banzar gari
madeba kashi.
16] Sarautar da zata dace!! Farin
Barugu shi ka baiwa limami, sannan
na baku labari, kuma sannan
Kadafkara shine Ladaninsa ko dare ko
dubi wannan, Shaho yazo shi babu
sauran wargi.
7] shaho ta bai sarauta, tsuntsaye sai
kuzo ku kai caffa, Borin-Tunke ka dau
jakarka a hannu.
8] Fadawa kuzo nadin Shaho, Zabin
dake cikin dawa, sune yan figini
mabusa Sarki.
9] Zalbe ka baiwa mai Kakaki, yan
doka tambura ne Burtu.
10] Zagage ka baiwa Balbela, Zakaran
Kekuwa kasa yan kurya
11] Ga Tsintara tana algaita, ga
Hasbiya tana buga Jauje
12] shaho yana jawabi, Borin tunke ka
bai Waziri, Gauraka ne Ciroma mai
13] Kuma Tuje ka bai Galadima,
Madakin gari ka baiwa Dinya.
14] Sarkin Bayi Shamuwa ce, sannan
Sarkin dawa Kitsawa ce, Alkalin gari ka
bai Kahuhu.
15] Marke ka baiwa Yari, Sa'annan
angulaye kurhu na banzar gari
madeba kashi.
16] Sarautar da zata dace!! Farin
Barugu shi ka baiwa limami, sannan
na baku labari, kuma sannan
Kadafkara shine Ladaninsa ko dare ko
Ahmadu Dan Matawalle
Amshi: Sake shiri fasihi, Bamu jawabi
na Garba mai Yammata.
Taro na baku labari kuji wal khamisatu Ashara wannan babi na sha biyar ne Tsuntsaye zasu jesu neman sarki.
1] Tsuntsayen gida da daji, sun hadu
sun girka shawara, Jimina itace
gwamna tace zata yi musu Sarki.
2] Agwagwa aka bai sarauta, sunce
wofi marar karama, yar banza mai
kama da gammo, bata da siffar da
zasu bita kazama.
3] Hankaka ka bai sarauta, sun ce su
dai ba zasu lamunta ba, sun sake
shawara suna cewa 'Danfashi' bazai
sarki ba.
4] Aka bai Mikiya sarauta, sunce
wannan in ta samu mulki, ita wa zaya
ganta, sai ko mushe ya fadi zaka
ganta da sauri.
5]Borin-Tunke ka bai sarauta,
tsuntsaye duk suna ta mamaki, sai
wannan ya dubi wannan, wai dan sun
sami Shugaba maigirma.
6] Da Shaho yazo da kansa, tsuntsaye
sai suke ta mamaki, sai wannan ya
Wakar Tsuntsaye; Daga
Ahmadu Dan Matawalle
Amshi: Sake shiri fasihi Bamu jawabin
na Garba mai Yammata
1] Tsuntsayen gida da daji, sun hadu
sun girka shawara, Jimina itace
gwamna tace zata yi musu Sarki.
2] Agwagwa aka bai sarauta, sunce
wofi marar karama, yar banza mai
kama da gammo, bata da siffar da
zasu bita kazama.
3] Hankaka ka bai sarauta, sun ce su
dai ba zasu lamunta ba, sun sake
shawara suna cewa 'Danfashi' bazai
sarki ba.
4] Aka bai Mikiya sarauta, sunce
wannan in ta samu mulki, ita wa zaya
ganta, sai ko mushe ya fadi zaka
ganta da sauri.
5]Borin-Tunke ka bai sarauta,
tsuntsaye duk suna ta mamaki, sai
wannan ya dubi wannan, wai dan sun
sami Shugaba maigirma.
6] Da Shaho yazo da kansa, tsuntsaye
sai suke ta mamaki, sai wannan ya
dubi wannan, Shaho yazo shi babu
sauran wargi.
7] shaho ta bai sarauta, tsuntsaye sai
kuzo ku kai caffa, Borin-Tunke ka dau
jakarka a hannu.
8] Fadawa kuzo nadin Shaho, Zabin
dake cikin dawa, sune yan figini
mabusa Sarki.
9] Zalbe ka baiwa mai Kakaki, yan
doka tambura ne Burtu.
10] Zagage ka baiwa Balbela, Zakaran
Kekuwa kasa yan kurya
11] Ga Tsintara tana algaita, ga
Hasbiya tana buga Jauje
12] shaho yana jawabi, Borin tunke ka
bai Waziri, Gauraka ne Ciroma mai
13] Kuma Tuje ka bai Galadima,
Madakin gari ka baiwa Dinya.
14] Sarkin Bayi Shamuwa ce, sannan
Sarkin dawa Kitsawa ce, Alkalin gari ka
bai Kahuhu.
15] Marke ka baiwa Yari, Sa'annan
angulaye kurhu na banzar gari
madeba kashi.
16] Sarautar da zata dace!! Farin
Barugu shi ka baiwa limami, sannan
na baku labari, kuma sannan
Kadafkara shine Ladaninsa ko dare ko
dubi wannan, Shaho yazo shi babu
sauran wargi.
7] shaho ta bai sarauta, tsuntsaye sai
kuzo ku kai caffa, Borin-Tunke ka dau
jakarka a hannu.
8] Fadawa kuzo nadin Shaho, Zabin
dake cikin dawa, sune yan figini
mabusa Sarki.
9] Zalbe ka baiwa mai Kakaki, yan
doka tambura ne Burtu.
10] Zagage ka baiwa Balbela, Zakaran
Kekuwa kasa yan kurya
11] Ga Tsintara tana algaita, ga
Hasbiya tana buga Jauje
12] shaho yana jawabi, Borin tunke ka
bai Waziri, Gauraka ne Ciroma mai
13] Kuma Tuje ka bai Galadima,
Madakin gari ka baiwa Dinya.
14] Sarkin Bayi Shamuwa ce, sannan
Sarkin dawa Kitsawa ce, Alkalin gari ka
bai Kahuhu.
15] Marke ka baiwa Yari, Sa'annan
angulaye kurhu na banzar gari
madeba kashi.
16] Sarautar da zata dace!! Farin
Barugu shi ka baiwa limami, sannan
na baku labari, kuma sannan
Kadafkara shine Ladaninsa ko dare ko
Friday, April 13, 2012
Tarihin Malam Mu'azu Hadejia, dan
takaitacce ne. Ya rasu yana da Shekara
38, domin acikin 1958 ya rasu. an haifi
Malam Mu'azu Hadeja a garin Hadeja,
cikin 1920. shine Bahaushe na farko da
ya fara rubuta Wakokinsa da rubutun
Boko. Wannan kuwa ya faru ne, saboda
acikin marubuta mawakan Hausa, shine
wanda ya fara samun cikakken illimin
boko. Dangidan Sarautar Hadejia ne,
shine dalilin da wakokinsa suka fi maida
himma wajen yada aqidun NPC a
madadin NEPU. Kila wannanne ya janyo
takaddama tsakaninsa da Malam Mudi
Spikin. Bayan kammala karatunsa ne, ya
fara aikin koyarwa a birnin Kano, har
kuma ya rasu aikin da yake yi kenan.
Nayi ta kokarin in san ko yabar baya,
amma har yanzu ban samu abin
kamawa ba. Na kuma yi kokarin in san
ko yana da iyali a birnin Kano, shima dai
ban samu abin kamawa ba. Sai dai naji
Shata na yiwa Inuwa Mai mai Kirari da
"Baban Mu'azu, wanne Mu'azu? Mu azun
Hadeja. Haji Inuwa Baban Yahaya" Na
kuwa so hakanne don ko zan sami wasu
wakokinsa da ba'a buga ba. Naji ya kan
yiwa kansa kirari da "V T maineman
albarka". Ga dai wata wakarsa, kafinmu
kawo muku wasu.
Bin Allah shine babban bi
Kuma sai kabi wanda ya haife ka
Ka kiyaye hududulLahi suna
nan amru da nahyu suna kanka
Wallahi Uwa da Uba sune
Hanyarka ta neman albarka
In sun gajiya bisa zamani
Sai ka dau wahalarsu da karfinka
Yi fata kadda ka sabe su
Wata rana Allah zai saka
Abinda ka shuka don ka sani
Shine ka tsirowa gonarka
In hairi, hairi zaka gani
In sharri, sharri zai bi ka
Wa adi'ulLahu fadar Allah
Kuma girmama wanda ya girme ka
Duk wanda ya raina fadar Allah
Shi ya bata ya auka halaka
Duk wanda ya raina fadar Allah
Shine muka cewa Dan Iska
Har shina wa kansa kirari, sau
rara kaji taken dan iska
Dan iska sandan Kuka da sun
gumi nai ba;a yin taki
Dusar buntu ba'a ba dabba
To kaji kirarin dan iska
Dan iska naman Balbela
Ba a cin shi da na Hankaka
Kilishin Jaba sai dan iska
Ba mai ci sai ko mai shirka
Kashin Bera baya taki
Balle kayi dokin ga-na-ka
Kiwon Yimka, kiwon banza
Wata ran zai gallabi yayanka
Ajiyar Bera ajiyar wofi
Bari murna sabon dan iska
Ni zan hore ka abokina
Bari jawo dan iska ajika
In har ka yarda ya rabe ka
Ba'alin jama'a sa tsarge ka
Zai koya ma mugun hali
Watakil a kira ka da dan iska
Da 'wa kullu karinin' duba man
Ta'alimi ka samu zancenka
Kuma ka zama Shaidanil insi
Sai hirzi kai da masoyanka
Kuma ka zama Fattani domin
Allah ma bai son ka
Ka girmama Allah da Ma'aiki
Da iyaye duk da sarakinka
Wa ulul amri minkum duba
Ka kiyaye fadar mahaliccinka
In ka rainawa sarakinka
Ka rainawa mahaliccinka
Bari jin kyashin baiwar Allah
Mai kaskantawa da daukaka
Shi yadda ya so haka nan zai yi
Da yayi su sarakai, kai talaka
Da yaso zai baka duniya
Ba komai ce ba ga Rabbaka
In yaso sai kaga ka gajiya
Har ka gaza amfanin kan ka
Kai dai riki aikin alheri
Kowa kaya nasa zai dauka
Shine sarki mai fifiko
Da kasanka, wadansu ko sun fi ka
Wani na da Jaka zambar Goma
Wani bashi Kwabo balle fataka
Wani kullum mota za shi shiga
Wani kullum kaya zai dauka
Da tuwon Baure da gudun kurna
Wainar shinkafa Annafaka
Ga Alkaki duk da Alkubus
Allah ya baiwa wadansu haka
Wani sai shi tsugunna kan titi
In anci a miko mai sadaka
Wani mata nai hudu ne, kuma ga
Soraye, Benaye, Taska
shimfidu, da kujeru, Darduma
ko ina sai kamshi ke binka
Sai fenti zane iri-iri
Ga lantarki, kuma ga fanka
Wani bin Zaure shi kayi domin
Wani kasuwa zai je shi faka
Suturar wani ganye ko walki
Ba rigarma balle shi saka
Shi kance daurin Allah,
Ya daure bawa nai a daka
Wani ga sutura nan iri da iri
Ya jibge wasu cikin adaka
Kullum sai ya sake tsari
Duk wadda yaso ita za shi saka
A gidan wani guda zaka ji don
A gidan wani kuka za'a saka
Kai ba'awa Allah tilas
Shi yadda yaso haka zai baka
Da abin dariya dana mamaki
Ba sa karewa ba shakka
Wai kura ce aka ce ta tu
ba da sata don tsoron halaka
Makiyayi sai amince har
Ya kafa mata turke cikin maruka
Shi mai hakuri shike dafa du
tse ya sha romo mai albarka
Ya Allah taimaki bayinka
Duk wanda yake son manzonka
Mu'azu Hadejia nan ya tsaya
V T mai neman albarka
takaitacce ne. Ya rasu yana da Shekara
38, domin acikin 1958 ya rasu. an haifi
Malam Mu'azu Hadeja a garin Hadeja,
cikin 1920. shine Bahaushe na farko da
ya fara rubuta Wakokinsa da rubutun
Boko. Wannan kuwa ya faru ne, saboda
acikin marubuta mawakan Hausa, shine
wanda ya fara samun cikakken illimin
boko. Dangidan Sarautar Hadejia ne,
shine dalilin da wakokinsa suka fi maida
himma wajen yada aqidun NPC a
madadin NEPU. Kila wannanne ya janyo
takaddama tsakaninsa da Malam Mudi
Spikin. Bayan kammala karatunsa ne, ya
fara aikin koyarwa a birnin Kano, har
kuma ya rasu aikin da yake yi kenan.
Nayi ta kokarin in san ko yabar baya,
amma har yanzu ban samu abin
kamawa ba. Na kuma yi kokarin in san
ko yana da iyali a birnin Kano, shima dai
ban samu abin kamawa ba. Sai dai naji
Shata na yiwa Inuwa Mai mai Kirari da
"Baban Mu'azu, wanne Mu'azu? Mu azun
Hadeja. Haji Inuwa Baban Yahaya" Na
kuwa so hakanne don ko zan sami wasu
wakokinsa da ba'a buga ba. Naji ya kan
yiwa kansa kirari da "V T maineman
albarka". Ga dai wata wakarsa, kafinmu
kawo muku wasu.
Bin Allah shine babban bi
Kuma sai kabi wanda ya haife ka
Ka kiyaye hududulLahi suna
nan amru da nahyu suna kanka
Wallahi Uwa da Uba sune
Hanyarka ta neman albarka
In sun gajiya bisa zamani
Sai ka dau wahalarsu da karfinka
Yi fata kadda ka sabe su
Wata rana Allah zai saka
Abinda ka shuka don ka sani
Shine ka tsirowa gonarka
In hairi, hairi zaka gani
In sharri, sharri zai bi ka
Wa adi'ulLahu fadar Allah
Kuma girmama wanda ya girme ka
Duk wanda ya raina fadar Allah
Shi ya bata ya auka halaka
Duk wanda ya raina fadar Allah
Shine muka cewa Dan Iska
Har shina wa kansa kirari, sau
rara kaji taken dan iska
Dan iska sandan Kuka da sun
gumi nai ba;a yin taki
Dusar buntu ba'a ba dabba
To kaji kirarin dan iska
Dan iska naman Balbela
Ba a cin shi da na Hankaka
Kilishin Jaba sai dan iska
Ba mai ci sai ko mai shirka
Kashin Bera baya taki
Balle kayi dokin ga-na-ka
Kiwon Yimka, kiwon banza
Wata ran zai gallabi yayanka
Ajiyar Bera ajiyar wofi
Bari murna sabon dan iska
Ni zan hore ka abokina
Bari jawo dan iska ajika
In har ka yarda ya rabe ka
Ba'alin jama'a sa tsarge ka
Zai koya ma mugun hali
Watakil a kira ka da dan iska
Da 'wa kullu karinin' duba man
Ta'alimi ka samu zancenka
Kuma ka zama Shaidanil insi
Sai hirzi kai da masoyanka
Kuma ka zama Fattani domin
Allah ma bai son ka
Ka girmama Allah da Ma'aiki
Da iyaye duk da sarakinka
Wa ulul amri minkum duba
Ka kiyaye fadar mahaliccinka
In ka rainawa sarakinka
Ka rainawa mahaliccinka
Bari jin kyashin baiwar Allah
Mai kaskantawa da daukaka
Shi yadda ya so haka nan zai yi
Da yayi su sarakai, kai talaka
Da yaso zai baka duniya
Ba komai ce ba ga Rabbaka
In yaso sai kaga ka gajiya
Har ka gaza amfanin kan ka
Kai dai riki aikin alheri
Kowa kaya nasa zai dauka
Shine sarki mai fifiko
Da kasanka, wadansu ko sun fi ka
Wani na da Jaka zambar Goma
Wani bashi Kwabo balle fataka
Wani kullum mota za shi shiga
Wani kullum kaya zai dauka
Da tuwon Baure da gudun kurna
Wainar shinkafa Annafaka
Ga Alkaki duk da Alkubus
Allah ya baiwa wadansu haka
Wani sai shi tsugunna kan titi
In anci a miko mai sadaka
Wani mata nai hudu ne, kuma ga
Soraye, Benaye, Taska
shimfidu, da kujeru, Darduma
ko ina sai kamshi ke binka
Sai fenti zane iri-iri
Ga lantarki, kuma ga fanka
Wani bin Zaure shi kayi domin
Wani kasuwa zai je shi faka
Suturar wani ganye ko walki
Ba rigarma balle shi saka
Shi kance daurin Allah,
Ya daure bawa nai a daka
Wani ga sutura nan iri da iri
Ya jibge wasu cikin adaka
Kullum sai ya sake tsari
Duk wadda yaso ita za shi saka
A gidan wani guda zaka ji don
A gidan wani kuka za'a saka
Kai ba'awa Allah tilas
Shi yadda yaso haka zai baka
Da abin dariya dana mamaki
Ba sa karewa ba shakka
Wai kura ce aka ce ta tu
ba da sata don tsoron halaka
Makiyayi sai amince har
Ya kafa mata turke cikin maruka
Shi mai hakuri shike dafa du
tse ya sha romo mai albarka
Ya Allah taimaki bayinka
Duk wanda yake son manzonka
Mu'azu Hadejia nan ya tsaya
V T mai neman albarka
Monday, April 9, 2012
Sallar Gani is an old tradition in Hadejia,
Jigawa state. It is celebrated annually
particularly during the Month of Rabiúl Auwal,
in the Islamic calendar when Muslims are
celebrating Maulud, the birth day of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
According to the former Galadiman Jauje of
Hadejia, Alhaji Baba Daudu, the tradition was
introduced by the Emir of Hadejia, late
Abdulkadir, 80 years ago. Galadiman Jauje
added that the late Emir introduced the
Hawan Gani and Hawan Bariki during his
reign, where festivities including a special
durbar are being carried out. Daily Trust
observed that Gani is a 3-day festivity in
Hadejia town.
On the first day, the Emir and his entourage
will leave the palace on horses in the evening
hours and go round the town. The entourage
will lead the Emir round the town through
Unguwar-Bayi to Magama-Hudu then to
Ramin-Hudi to Tarbin-Barau, pass through
Majema to Bakin-Kasuwa then to Makwalla to
Kofar-Jerma and to the Hadejia Jumaát
Mosque, where the Emir makes a stop-over
and receive greetings from the horse riders.
This special greeting is traditionally called Jafi.
After greeting the Emir, the entourage will
forge ahead to the palace, while the Emir will
remain there until all horse riders have
passed. At the palace the district heads and
their associates will line up at the front of the
Emir’s palace and wait for the Emir. When the
riders have settled at the palace, the Emir will
be informed, and he will then move to his
palace to deliver his annual Gani message to
the Governor and other top Government
officials, who have been seated there waiting
for his arrival.
Daily Trust notes that the entourage was
arranged in such a way that the princes,
district and ward heads, as well as other
horse riders will be at the front followed by
the Emir, and finally the Wamban Hadejia and
District head of Balangu. This is why the
District head of Balangu is called Kurar-Baya,
which literally means the Emir’s rear body
On the second day, the Emir and his
entourage will ride their horses and head to
Bariki, popularly known as Nassarawa, where
in those days the Emir will intimate the
colonial masters about the problems and
yearnings of the people, for the latter to
address them.
However, now that, the country has secured
its independence, the Emir passes the
message to Government officials, including
the representative of the state Governor, the
Local Government Chairman and other
Government officials.
After delivering his annual speech at Bariki,
the Emir and his entourage will then return to
the palace. The Emir will enter his home, while
other horse riders will leave for their
respective homes. Thus marks the end of the
second day’s activities.
For the third and the final day, the Emir and
his entourage will leave the palace to Babban-
Daki (residence of the Emir’s mother) for the
annual greeting. This greeting is the last
segment of the Gani festival in Hadejia Local
By virtue of the activities taking place in
Hadejia town during Gani, one would believe
that to an average Hadejia indigene, the
tradition is a replica of Eid-fitr or Eid-el-Kabir
festivals. The Emir and the entire districts
heads, as well as other traditional title holders
are the participants of the special durbar.
The durbar is usually conducted in the
evening hours, where the Emir and other
traditional leaders ride their horses. The
horses are usually decorated in different ways
just to please visitors and other lookers,
during the festival.
Traditional drummers could also be seen
performing during Gani festival. While some of
these local drummers were performing
independently, others are sponsored by either
district heads or ward heads to be in their
Because of the importance accorded to the
Gani festival by people of Hadejia, individuals
particularly children could be seen wearing
new clothes during the fiesta. Some
households also share delicious dishes with
relatives, friends, well-wishers and
neighbours, on the day of Gani festival.
Shedding light on the Gani festivity in Hadejia,
the former Galadiman Jauje of Hadejia, Alhaji
Baba Daudu said he was born in the year
when the then Emir of Hadejia, late
Abdulkadir, introduced the Hawan Gani and
Hawan Bariki.
Baba Daudu told Daily Trust that he has been
attending the annual Gani fiesta since the
reign of the Emir of Hadejia, late Usman. He
added that, “I have attended Gano under the
reigns of four Emirs which include late Emir
Usman, late Emir Haruna, and late Emir Maje
and now under the Emir Adamu.”
Daudu recalled that “the festivity is advancing
now. Things are changing concerning the
conduct of the annual festival. In the olden
days, the activities were not as much as they
are presently. The number of horse riders are
many now, unlike in the past where only few
horses were participating.”
Delivering his annual message to Governor
Sule Lamido, the Emir of Hadejia, Alhaji Adamu
Abubakar Maje said Gani festival is an annual
tradition which has been conducted by the
Hadejia emirate for years.
The Emir then appealed to the state
Government to provide enough drinking
water to the people of Hadejia, saying “my
people face serious difficulties before they
could get drinking water, whenever there is
power outage in the town.”
“The existing generator brought to the town
by the Government is not enough. I am calling
on the authorities to look into the plight of
the Hadejia people, and provide them with a
bigger generator so that the water scheme
supplying water to them could be more
functional,” he said.
He also urged the state Government to
rehabilitate the road that links Unguwar-Bayi
to Bariki, saying “the road has a great
importance not only for horse riders during
the Gani festivity, but to other road users. The
road has remained dilapidated for some years
Maje commended the state Government for
facilitating the release of N10m by the Federal
Government for the completion of the Hadejia
Jama’are-River Basin Development Authority
(H-JRBA) Irrigation scheme, saying the scheme
will provide enough job opportunities to the
teaming unemployed youth in the state.
Jigawa state. It is celebrated annually
particularly during the Month of Rabiúl Auwal,
in the Islamic calendar when Muslims are
celebrating Maulud, the birth day of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
According to the former Galadiman Jauje of
Hadejia, Alhaji Baba Daudu, the tradition was
introduced by the Emir of Hadejia, late
Abdulkadir, 80 years ago. Galadiman Jauje
added that the late Emir introduced the
Hawan Gani and Hawan Bariki during his
reign, where festivities including a special
durbar are being carried out. Daily Trust
observed that Gani is a 3-day festivity in
Hadejia town.
On the first day, the Emir and his entourage
will leave the palace on horses in the evening
hours and go round the town. The entourage
will lead the Emir round the town through
Unguwar-Bayi to Magama-Hudu then to
Ramin-Hudi to Tarbin-Barau, pass through
Majema to Bakin-Kasuwa then to Makwalla to
Kofar-Jerma and to the Hadejia Jumaát
Mosque, where the Emir makes a stop-over
and receive greetings from the horse riders.
This special greeting is traditionally called Jafi.
After greeting the Emir, the entourage will
forge ahead to the palace, while the Emir will
remain there until all horse riders have
passed. At the palace the district heads and
their associates will line up at the front of the
Emir’s palace and wait for the Emir. When the
riders have settled at the palace, the Emir will
be informed, and he will then move to his
palace to deliver his annual Gani message to
the Governor and other top Government
officials, who have been seated there waiting
for his arrival.
Daily Trust notes that the entourage was
arranged in such a way that the princes,
district and ward heads, as well as other
horse riders will be at the front followed by
the Emir, and finally the Wamban Hadejia and
District head of Balangu. This is why the
District head of Balangu is called Kurar-Baya,
which literally means the Emir’s rear body
On the second day, the Emir and his
entourage will ride their horses and head to
Bariki, popularly known as Nassarawa, where
in those days the Emir will intimate the
colonial masters about the problems and
yearnings of the people, for the latter to
address them.
However, now that, the country has secured
its independence, the Emir passes the
message to Government officials, including
the representative of the state Governor, the
Local Government Chairman and other
Government officials.
After delivering his annual speech at Bariki,
the Emir and his entourage will then return to
the palace. The Emir will enter his home, while
other horse riders will leave for their
respective homes. Thus marks the end of the
second day’s activities.
For the third and the final day, the Emir and
his entourage will leave the palace to Babban-
Daki (residence of the Emir’s mother) for the
annual greeting. This greeting is the last
segment of the Gani festival in Hadejia Local
By virtue of the activities taking place in
Hadejia town during Gani, one would believe
that to an average Hadejia indigene, the
tradition is a replica of Eid-fitr or Eid-el-Kabir
festivals. The Emir and the entire districts
heads, as well as other traditional title holders
are the participants of the special durbar.
The durbar is usually conducted in the
evening hours, where the Emir and other
traditional leaders ride their horses. The
horses are usually decorated in different ways
just to please visitors and other lookers,
during the festival.
Traditional drummers could also be seen
performing during Gani festival. While some of
these local drummers were performing
independently, others are sponsored by either
district heads or ward heads to be in their
Because of the importance accorded to the
Gani festival by people of Hadejia, individuals
particularly children could be seen wearing
new clothes during the fiesta. Some
households also share delicious dishes with
relatives, friends, well-wishers and
neighbours, on the day of Gani festival.
Shedding light on the Gani festivity in Hadejia,
the former Galadiman Jauje of Hadejia, Alhaji
Baba Daudu said he was born in the year
when the then Emir of Hadejia, late
Abdulkadir, introduced the Hawan Gani and
Hawan Bariki.
Baba Daudu told Daily Trust that he has been
attending the annual Gani fiesta since the
reign of the Emir of Hadejia, late Usman. He
added that, “I have attended Gano under the
reigns of four Emirs which include late Emir
Usman, late Emir Haruna, and late Emir Maje
and now under the Emir Adamu.”
Daudu recalled that “the festivity is advancing
now. Things are changing concerning the
conduct of the annual festival. In the olden
days, the activities were not as much as they
are presently. The number of horse riders are
many now, unlike in the past where only few
horses were participating.”
Delivering his annual message to Governor
Sule Lamido, the Emir of Hadejia, Alhaji Adamu
Abubakar Maje said Gani festival is an annual
tradition which has been conducted by the
Hadejia emirate for years.
The Emir then appealed to the state
Government to provide enough drinking
water to the people of Hadejia, saying “my
people face serious difficulties before they
could get drinking water, whenever there is
power outage in the town.”
“The existing generator brought to the town
by the Government is not enough. I am calling
on the authorities to look into the plight of
the Hadejia people, and provide them with a
bigger generator so that the water scheme
supplying water to them could be more
functional,” he said.
He also urged the state Government to
rehabilitate the road that links Unguwar-Bayi
to Bariki, saying “the road has a great
importance not only for horse riders during
the Gani festivity, but to other road users. The
road has remained dilapidated for some years
Maje commended the state Government for
facilitating the release of N10m by the Federal
Government for the completion of the Hadejia
Jama’are-River Basin Development Authority
(H-JRBA) Irrigation scheme, saying the scheme
will provide enough job opportunities to the
teaming unemployed youth in the state.
Friday, April 6, 2012
*Tarihin Sheikh Jafar Mahmud
An haifi marigayi Sheikh
Ja'afar Mahmoud Adam a
garin Daura, a shekara ta 1962
(ko da yake wani lokacin
yakan ce 1964).
Marigayi Sheikh Ja'afar ya fara
karatunsa na allo a gidansu, a
wurin mijin yayarsa, Malam
Haruna, wanda kuma dan
uwansu ne na jini. Daga nan
kuma sai aka mayar da shi
wajen wani Malam Umaru a
wani gari wai shi Koza,
kimanin kilomita 9 a arewa da
Daura, wanda shi ma akwai
dangantaka ta jini a tsakanin
su, wanda kuma shi ne
musabbabin zuwansa Kano.
Bayan sun zo Kano ne tare da
wannan malami nasa, a
shekara ta 1971 (ko 1972), sai
suka zauna a makarantar
Malam Abdullahi, wanda
asalinsa mutumin jamhuriyar
Nijar ne, amma yake zaune a
unguwar Fagge a Kano. Tun
kafin zuwansu Kano, tuni
marigayi Sheikh Ja'afar ya riga
ya fara haddar Alkur'ani mai
girma, wanda ya kammala a
shekara ta 1978.
Bayan da Malam ya kammala
haddar Alkur'ani mai girma,
kasancewarsa mai sha'awar
ilimi, sai ya shiga makarantu
biyu a lokaci daya a shekara
ta 1980. Ya shiga makarantar
koyon Larabci ta mutanen
kasar Misra a cibiyar yada
al'adun kasar Misra, (Egyptian
Cultural Centre), sannan
kuma ya shiga makarantar
manya da ba su yi boko ba ta
Masallaci Adult Evening
Classes, tunda a lokacin
shekarunsa sun wuce shekaru
na primary, amma duk da
haka a wannan lokaci shi ne
mafi kankanta a ajinsu. Haka
ya rika yin wannan karatu
guda biyu: Waccan
makarantar ya je ta da
daddare bayan sallar isha'i,
waccan kuma ta koyo harshen
larabcin da yamma. Ya
kammala wadannan
makarantu a shekara ta 1983.
Wannan kuma shi ya ba shi
damar shiga makarantar
GATC Gwale a shekara ta
1984, kuma ya kammala a
shekara ta 1988. A shekara ta
1989, malam ya sami gurbin
karatu a jami'ar musulunci ta
Madinah, a inda ya karanta
ilimin tafsiri da Ulumul Kur'an,
wanda kuma ya kammala a
shekara ta 1993. Sannan kuma
Sheikh Ja’afar ya sami damar
kammala karatunsa na digiri
na biyu (Masters) a Jami’ar
Musulunci, A Oundurman Sudan.
Sannan kuma, kafin
rasuwarsa, ya riga ya yi nisa
wajen karatunsa na digiri na
uku, wato digiri da digirgir
(PhD), a Jami’ar Usman Dan
Fodiyo da take Sokoto.
Daga cikin malamansa na
ilimi, akwai malaminsa na
farko, mutumin kasar Masar,
Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Ali al-
Mustafa, da kuma Malam
Nuhu a unguwar Dandago,
wanda malam ya karanci ilimi
fikihun malikiyya da wadansu
littattafai na hadisi a gurinsa,
da kuma Malam Muhammad
Shehu, mutumin Lokoja,
wanda Malam ya karanci
nahawu da sarfu da balaga da
adab a wajensa. Akwai kuma
Sheikh Abubakar Jibrin
limamin masallacin Juma'a na
BUK, akwai kuma Dr. Ahmad
Muhammad Ibrahim shi ma na
jami'ar Bayero ta Kano. Daga
cikin malamansa na jami'a
kuma, akwai Sheikh
Abdurrafi'u da Dr. Khalid
Daga cikin karatuttukan da
malam ya karantar da su, sun
hada da tafsirin Alkur'ani mai
girma, Kitabuttauhiid,
Umdatul Ahkaam, Arba'una
Hadiith, Kashfusshubuhaat,
Bulugul Maraam,
Riyaadussalihiin, Siiratun
Nabawiy, Ahkaamul Janaa'iz,
Siffatus Salaatun Nabiiy.
Wasu daga cikin daliban
malam sun hada da Malam
Rabi'u Umar R/Lemo da
Malam Sani Abdullahi
Alhamidi Dorayi da Malam
Abdullah Usman G/Kaya da
Malam Usman Sani Haruna da
Malam Ibrahim Abdullahi Sani
da Malam Ali Yunus
Muhammad da Dr. Salisu
Shehu da Malam Shehu
Hamisu Kura da Malam Anas
Muhammad Madabo.
Kafin rasuwarsa, malam ya
fara gagarumin aikin rubuce
tafsirinsa a harshen Hausa a
karkashin wannan cibiya
(Sheikh Ja'afar Islamic
Documentation Centre).
Marigayi Sheikh Ja'afar
Mahmoud Adam ya rasu ranar
juma'a 26/Rabii'u Awwal/1428
(13/04/2007) sakamakon harin
da wadansu 'yan ta'adda suka
kai masa, a daidai lokacin da
yake jagorantar sallar asuba a
masallacin Juma'a na Dorayi.
Ya rasu ya bar mata biyu, da
'yaya shida, yayin da aka haifa
masa ta bakwai kwanaki 58
daidai bayan aiwatar da
wannan kisan gilla a kansa.
Dubun-dubatar mutane ne
daga ko'ina cikin kasar nan
suka halarci jana'izarsa, kuma
an binne shi ne a makabartar
Dorayi. Allah ya ji kan sa ya
gafarta masa, ya saka masa
da gidan aljanna. Amin
An haifi marigayi Sheikh
Ja'afar Mahmoud Adam a
garin Daura, a shekara ta 1962
(ko da yake wani lokacin
yakan ce 1964).
Marigayi Sheikh Ja'afar ya fara
karatunsa na allo a gidansu, a
wurin mijin yayarsa, Malam
Haruna, wanda kuma dan
uwansu ne na jini. Daga nan
kuma sai aka mayar da shi
wajen wani Malam Umaru a
wani gari wai shi Koza,
kimanin kilomita 9 a arewa da
Daura, wanda shi ma akwai
dangantaka ta jini a tsakanin
su, wanda kuma shi ne
musabbabin zuwansa Kano.
Bayan sun zo Kano ne tare da
wannan malami nasa, a
shekara ta 1971 (ko 1972), sai
suka zauna a makarantar
Malam Abdullahi, wanda
asalinsa mutumin jamhuriyar
Nijar ne, amma yake zaune a
unguwar Fagge a Kano. Tun
kafin zuwansu Kano, tuni
marigayi Sheikh Ja'afar ya riga
ya fara haddar Alkur'ani mai
girma, wanda ya kammala a
shekara ta 1978.
Bayan da Malam ya kammala
haddar Alkur'ani mai girma,
kasancewarsa mai sha'awar
ilimi, sai ya shiga makarantu
biyu a lokaci daya a shekara
ta 1980. Ya shiga makarantar
koyon Larabci ta mutanen
kasar Misra a cibiyar yada
al'adun kasar Misra, (Egyptian
Cultural Centre), sannan
kuma ya shiga makarantar
manya da ba su yi boko ba ta
Masallaci Adult Evening
Classes, tunda a lokacin
shekarunsa sun wuce shekaru
na primary, amma duk da
haka a wannan lokaci shi ne
mafi kankanta a ajinsu. Haka
ya rika yin wannan karatu
guda biyu: Waccan
makarantar ya je ta da
daddare bayan sallar isha'i,
waccan kuma ta koyo harshen
larabcin da yamma. Ya
kammala wadannan
makarantu a shekara ta 1983.
Wannan kuma shi ya ba shi
damar shiga makarantar
GATC Gwale a shekara ta
1984, kuma ya kammala a
shekara ta 1988. A shekara ta
1989, malam ya sami gurbin
karatu a jami'ar musulunci ta
Madinah, a inda ya karanta
ilimin tafsiri da Ulumul Kur'an,
wanda kuma ya kammala a
shekara ta 1993. Sannan kuma
Sheikh Ja’afar ya sami damar
kammala karatunsa na digiri
na biyu (Masters) a Jami’ar
Musulunci, A Oundurman Sudan.
Sannan kuma, kafin
rasuwarsa, ya riga ya yi nisa
wajen karatunsa na digiri na
uku, wato digiri da digirgir
(PhD), a Jami’ar Usman Dan
Fodiyo da take Sokoto.
Daga cikin malamansa na
ilimi, akwai malaminsa na
farko, mutumin kasar Masar,
Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Ali al-
Mustafa, da kuma Malam
Nuhu a unguwar Dandago,
wanda malam ya karanci ilimi
fikihun malikiyya da wadansu
littattafai na hadisi a gurinsa,
da kuma Malam Muhammad
Shehu, mutumin Lokoja,
wanda Malam ya karanci
nahawu da sarfu da balaga da
adab a wajensa. Akwai kuma
Sheikh Abubakar Jibrin
limamin masallacin Juma'a na
BUK, akwai kuma Dr. Ahmad
Muhammad Ibrahim shi ma na
jami'ar Bayero ta Kano. Daga
cikin malamansa na jami'a
kuma, akwai Sheikh
Abdurrafi'u da Dr. Khalid
Daga cikin karatuttukan da
malam ya karantar da su, sun
hada da tafsirin Alkur'ani mai
girma, Kitabuttauhiid,
Umdatul Ahkaam, Arba'una
Hadiith, Kashfusshubuhaat,
Bulugul Maraam,
Riyaadussalihiin, Siiratun
Nabawiy, Ahkaamul Janaa'iz,
Siffatus Salaatun Nabiiy.
Wasu daga cikin daliban
malam sun hada da Malam
Rabi'u Umar R/Lemo da
Malam Sani Abdullahi
Alhamidi Dorayi da Malam
Abdullah Usman G/Kaya da
Malam Usman Sani Haruna da
Malam Ibrahim Abdullahi Sani
da Malam Ali Yunus
Muhammad da Dr. Salisu
Shehu da Malam Shehu
Hamisu Kura da Malam Anas
Muhammad Madabo.
Kafin rasuwarsa, malam ya
fara gagarumin aikin rubuce
tafsirinsa a harshen Hausa a
karkashin wannan cibiya
(Sheikh Ja'afar Islamic
Documentation Centre).
Marigayi Sheikh Ja'afar
Mahmoud Adam ya rasu ranar
juma'a 26/Rabii'u Awwal/1428
(13/04/2007) sakamakon harin
da wadansu 'yan ta'adda suka
kai masa, a daidai lokacin da
yake jagorantar sallar asuba a
masallacin Juma'a na Dorayi.
Ya rasu ya bar mata biyu, da
'yaya shida, yayin da aka haifa
masa ta bakwai kwanaki 58
daidai bayan aiwatar da
wannan kisan gilla a kansa.
Dubun-dubatar mutane ne
daga ko'ina cikin kasar nan
suka halarci jana'izarsa, kuma
an binne shi ne a makabartar
Dorayi. Allah ya ji kan sa ya
gafarta masa, ya saka masa
da gidan aljanna. Amin
Thursday, April 5, 2012
9. Haru bin Sambo, 1865-1885
With the successful removal of Umaru from power, Haru (Bubba) assumed the emirship of Hadejia.
Haru reigned for 20 years, during which he introduced many far reaching changes in the emirate. He enlarged the wall of Hadejia town to its present size.
He pursued a policy of Islamization of the emirate by opening schools and inviting the Ulama (Islamic Scholars) from other emirates. He was even said to have been in the habit of intercepting many scholars on their way to the holy land and persuading them to settle in Hadejia, in a bid to spread Islamic education.
He was also credited with the re-construction of a much bigger Friday mosque in Hadejia town. In the socio-economic sphere, Emir Haru pursued a policy which attracted foreign traders into Hadejia markets.
He did that by levying lower import duties on certain imports. He waged jihad wars against non¬Muslims areas of Kare-Kare and Bade country, leading to the conquest and subsequent incorporation of the border town of Adiani to Hadejia emirate. Also, it was during Haru's reign that the incessant conflicts between Hadejia and Gumel came to an end with a full blown war at the battle of Zaburam in 1872, in which Sarkin Gumel Jatau was killed.
This success brought to an end the hitherto frequent Hadejia-Gumel wars. Haru died in 1885.
10. Muhammadu bin Haru, 1885-1906 Haru was succeeded by his eldest son Muhammadu, who previously held the titles of Chiroma and Sarkin Marma. Muhammadu, popularly known as Maishahada was an Islamic scholar and a warrior-king who spent most part of his reign fighting wars and battles. His militaristic policies were likened to that of Emir Buhari.
He organized and personally led many battles, including six battles fought in Kare-Kare and Badde country; intervened in the Kano and Katagum civil wars; forcefully seized two neighboring districts of Kano Emirate,
namely Miga and Kwanda, and held them till
the British conquest of Hadejia, when they were returned to Kano.
Finally, he confronted the British forces militarily in the defense of his Emirate. He was killed in the ensuing battle with the British in 1906.
8. Umaru bin Buhari, 1863-1865 With the death of Buhari at the battle field, his son Umaru became the seventh Fulani ruler of Hadejia at the tender age of 18. He assumed the emirship with the active support of Sarkin Arewa Tatagana and Sarkin Yakin Hadejia Jaji, the two most powerful and trusted slave officials of Buhari. The Caliph in Sokoto approved his appointment in a desperate move to get Hadejia back to the Caliphate fold. Umaru reigned for two years only. But those were eventful years indeed. Haru, his uncle, had his eye on the throne, and was secretly plotting against Emir Umaru. Tatagana and Jiji, Umaru's most loyal and powerful supporters, were first eliminated as part of the grand plot to get Umaru deposed. Subsequently, when Umaru went out on one of his usual pleasure rides to the Hadejia river side; he was deserted by a conspiratorial entourage and refused entry back into Hadejia town. Umaru made good his escape to Kano emirate; he took refuge in chamo, Kano Emirate, where he lived for the rest of his life, and died in 1920.
It is said that Sambo then return to the throne after the death of Abdulkadir in order to ensure the appointment of Ahmadu as the new Emir of Hadejia, as opposed to Chiroma Garba Buhari.
6. Buhari bin Sambo, 1848 – 50 and 1851 – 1863 Abubakar Buhari bin Muhammad Sambo Digimsa was the 4th Emir of Hadejia in the post jihad years. His reign was the most turbulent and indeed best remembered in the history of Hadejia. Sambo died in 1848and Buhari, at the death bed of his father, schemed to get all the instruments of power transferred to him rather than to Ahamadu whom Sambo favoured to become the Emir after his death. Although Buharisucceeded to the Emirship of Hadejia by default, his accession was subsequently approved by Sokoto. No sooner had Buhari assumed the Emirship of Hadejia than he had his cousin, Nalara Sarkin Auyo, killed - a cruel act which gave authorities in Sokoto the grounds they had been looking for to remove Buhari from the throne.
Consequently in 1850, having failed to remove Buhari via diplomatic means, the Caliph ordered the Wazirin Sokoto, backed by forces from Katagum, to install Buhari's brother, Ahamadu, as the new Emir of Hadejia Emirate, by force if necessary. Ahamadu was thus installed in 1850, and Buhari retired to Machina area only to bounce back a year later. In 1851, after mobilizing considerable forces and resources, Buhari returned to Hadejia to confront his brother. Ahamadu's forces, even with the backing of a contingent from Katagum, were routed by Buhari outside Hadejia, and Ahamadu was killed in the battlefield without much difficulty. Buhari thus resumed the Emirship of Hadejia against the will of the authorities in Sokoto. This act marked the beginning of the Buhari revolt. For fifteen years Buhari remained a rebel, and pulled Hadejia Emirate out of the Caliphate, defying all attempts to get the Emirate back into the Caliphate fold. One of the most notable acts of defiance of Buhari against the Sokoto authorities was the encounter at Kaffur village.
In 1853, the Caliphate organized the most elaborate expedition against Buhari in order to once and for all put a stop to his increasingly rebellious behaviour. All the major emirates of the Caliphate were drafted into this endeavour which had by then assumed an air of desperation. Apart from Sokoto itself, there were contingents from Zaria, Kano, Katagum, Bauchi, as well as Gombe, Misau and Jama'are. The force, which was one of the largest ever to be assembled to quell an internal rebellion within the Caliphate, rendezvoused in Kano from where it moved on Hadejia, camping at Kaffur village about ten kilometers south of Hadejia town. However, Buhari did not stay around to be besieged in his palace, but instead intercepted the contingent and launched a surprise attack against it.
The allied forces of the Caliphate were comprehensively defeated in a battle that was something of a "walkover" for Buhari and a serious embarrassment and set back to the Caliphate. In fact, a 19th century Kano historian referred to the battle of Kaffur as the origin of Hadejia's greatness, "as from then onwards Hadejia was renowned in war" (Ja'afar in Palmer's papers).That encounter further underlined Buhari's independence, with Hadejia remaining outside the control of the Caliphate and becoming an expansionist military power in the eastern part of the Caliphate till 1863 when Buhari died in a campaign against Bedde land (for details see (Wakili, 1989/94).
Some of the areas which suffered from Buhari's incessant raids included Miga, Kwanda, Sankara, Ringim and Gabasawa in Kano emirate, as well as several villages in Katagum, Misau, Jama'are, and Gumel territories.
7. Ahamadu bin Sambo, 1850-1851 Ahamadu was the seventh emir of Hadejia in the Fulani dynasty. As indicated above he was installed by Sokoto after Buhari was forced to withdraw from the emirate. His reign was very short and unsettled as the looming threat of Buhari never allowed him to have the required tranquility to contribute to the development of the emirate. In 1851 Buhari fought his way back to the Hadejia throne.
5. Abdulkadir bin Sambo, 1847 – 1848
As soon as Emir Garko died in 1847, Sambo
sought for another permission from Sokoto
to appoint Chiroma Abdulkadir (Kade) as the
Emir of Hadejia. Approval was given and
Abdulkadir was installed to succeed Garko.
One year after his accession to the throne
Emir Abdulkdir died in 1848. His reign, like
that of his predecessor, was short but,
unlike it, was tumultuous, with desperate
fighting between Hadejia, Machina and
Damagaram. It is said that Sambo then
return to the throne after the death of
Abdulkadir in order to ensure the
appointment of Ahmadu as the new Emir of
Hadejia, as opposed to Chiroma Garba
Buhari, who as Chiroma, was the heir
apparent, and much more popular than
Ahmadu, but was perceived by his father as
too troublesome and dangerous to be
allowed on the throne.
6. Buhari bib Sambo, 1848 – 50 &1851 –
Abubakar Buhari bin Muhammad Sambo
Digimsa was the 4th Emir of Hadejia in the
post jihad years. His reign was the most
turbulent and indeed best remembered in
the history of Hadejia. Sambo died in
1848and Buhari, at the death bed of his
father, schemed to get all the instruments of
power transferred to him rather than to
Ahamadu whom Sambo favoured to become
the Emir after his death. Although
Buharisucceeded to the Emirship of Hadejia
by default, his accession was subsequently
approved by Sokoto. No sooner had Buhari
assumed the Emirship of Hadejia than he
had his cousin, Nalara Sarkin Auyo, killed - a
cruel act which gave authorities in Sokoto
the grounds they had been looking for to
remove Buhari from the throne.
Consequently in 1850, having failed to
remove Buhari via diplomatic means, the
Caliph ordered the Wazirin Sokoto, backed
by forces from Katagum, to install Buhari's
brother, Ahamadu, as the new Emir of
Hadejia Emirate, by force if necessary.
Ahamadu was thus installed in 1850, and
Buhari retired to Machina area only to
bounce back a year later. In 1851, after
mobilizing considerable forces and
resources, Buhari returned to Hadejia to
confront his brother. Ahamadu's forces,
even with the backing of a contingent from
Katagum, were routed by Buhari outside
Hadejia, and Ahamadu was killed in the
battlefield without much difficulty. Buhari
thus resumed the Emirship of Hadejia
against the will of the authorities in Sokoto.
This act marked the beginning of the Buhari
revolt. For fifteen years Buhari remained a
rebel, and pulled Hadejia Emirate out of the
Caliphate, defying all attempts to get the
Emirate back into the Caliphate fold. One of
the most notable acts of defiance of Buhari
against the Sokoto authorities was the
encounter at Kaffur village. In 1853, the
Caliphate organized the most elaborate
expedition against Buhari in order to once
and for all put a stop to his increasingly
rebellious behaviour. All the major emirates
of the Caliphate were drafted into this
endeavour which had by then assumed an
air of desperation. Apart from Sokoto itself,
there were contingents from Zaria, Kano,
Katagum, Bauchi, as well as Gombe, Misau
and Jama'are. The force, which was one of
the largest ever to be assembled to quell an
internal rebellion within the Caliphate,
rendezvoused in Kano from where it moved
on Hadejia, camping at Kaffur village about
ten kilometers south of Hadejia town.
However, Buhari did not stay around to be
besieged in his palace, but instead
intercepted the contingent and launched a
surprise attack against it. The allied forces of
the Caliphate were comprehensively
defeated in a battle that was something of a
"walkover" for Buhari and a serious
embarrassment and set back to the
Caliphate. In fact, a 19th century Kano
historian referred to the battle of Kaffur as
the origin of Hadejia's greatness, "as from
then onwards Hadejia was renowned in
war" (Ja'afar in Palmer's papers).That
encounter further underlined Buhari's
independence, with Hadejia remaining
outside the control of the Caliphate and
becoming an expansionist military power in
the eastern part of the Caliphate till 1863
when Buhari died in a campaign against
Bedde land (for details see Wakili, 1989/94).
Some of the areas which suffered from
Buhari's incessant raids included Miga,
Kwanda, Sankara, Ringim and Gabasawa in
Kano emirate, as well as several villages in
Katagum, Misau, Jama'are, and Gumel
As soon as Emir Garko died in 1847, Sambo
sought for another permission from Sokoto
to appoint Chiroma Abdulkadir (Kade) as the
Emir of Hadejia. Approval was given and
Abdulkadir was installed to succeed Garko.
One year after his accession to the throne
Emir Abdulkdir died in 1848. His reign, like
that of his predecessor, was short but,
unlike it, was tumultuous, with desperate
fighting between Hadejia, Machina and
Damagaram. It is said that Sambo then
return to the throne after the death of
Abdulkadir in order to ensure the
appointment of Ahmadu as the new Emir of
Hadejia, as opposed to Chiroma Garba
Buhari, who as Chiroma, was the heir
apparent, and much more popular than
Ahmadu, but was perceived by his father as
too troublesome and dangerous to be
allowed on the throne.
6. Buhari bib Sambo, 1848 – 50 &1851 –
Abubakar Buhari bin Muhammad Sambo
Digimsa was the 4th Emir of Hadejia in the
post jihad years. His reign was the most
turbulent and indeed best remembered in
the history of Hadejia. Sambo died in
1848and Buhari, at the death bed of his
father, schemed to get all the instruments of
power transferred to him rather than to
Ahamadu whom Sambo favoured to become
the Emir after his death. Although
Buharisucceeded to the Emirship of Hadejia
by default, his accession was subsequently
approved by Sokoto. No sooner had Buhari
assumed the Emirship of Hadejia than he
had his cousin, Nalara Sarkin Auyo, killed - a
cruel act which gave authorities in Sokoto
the grounds they had been looking for to
remove Buhari from the throne.
Consequently in 1850, having failed to
remove Buhari via diplomatic means, the
Caliph ordered the Wazirin Sokoto, backed
by forces from Katagum, to install Buhari's
brother, Ahamadu, as the new Emir of
Hadejia Emirate, by force if necessary.
Ahamadu was thus installed in 1850, and
Buhari retired to Machina area only to
bounce back a year later. In 1851, after
mobilizing considerable forces and
resources, Buhari returned to Hadejia to
confront his brother. Ahamadu's forces,
even with the backing of a contingent from
Katagum, were routed by Buhari outside
Hadejia, and Ahamadu was killed in the
battlefield without much difficulty. Buhari
thus resumed the Emirship of Hadejia
against the will of the authorities in Sokoto.
This act marked the beginning of the Buhari
revolt. For fifteen years Buhari remained a
rebel, and pulled Hadejia Emirate out of the
Caliphate, defying all attempts to get the
Emirate back into the Caliphate fold. One of
the most notable acts of defiance of Buhari
against the Sokoto authorities was the
encounter at Kaffur village. In 1853, the
Caliphate organized the most elaborate
expedition against Buhari in order to once
and for all put a stop to his increasingly
rebellious behaviour. All the major emirates
of the Caliphate were drafted into this
endeavour which had by then assumed an
air of desperation. Apart from Sokoto itself,
there were contingents from Zaria, Kano,
Katagum, Bauchi, as well as Gombe, Misau
and Jama'are. The force, which was one of
the largest ever to be assembled to quell an
internal rebellion within the Caliphate,
rendezvoused in Kano from where it moved
on Hadejia, camping at Kaffur village about
ten kilometers south of Hadejia town.
However, Buhari did not stay around to be
besieged in his palace, but instead
intercepted the contingent and launched a
surprise attack against it. The allied forces of
the Caliphate were comprehensively
defeated in a battle that was something of a
"walkover" for Buhari and a serious
embarrassment and set back to the
Caliphate. In fact, a 19th century Kano
historian referred to the battle of Kaffur as
the origin of Hadejia's greatness, "as from
then onwards Hadejia was renowned in
war" (Ja'afar in Palmer's papers).That
encounter further underlined Buhari's
independence, with Hadejia remaining
outside the control of the Caliphate and
becoming an expansionist military power in
the eastern part of the Caliphate till 1863
when Buhari died in a campaign against
Bedde land (for details see Wakili, 1989/94).
Some of the areas which suffered from
Buhari's incessant raids included Miga,
Kwanda, Sankara, Ringim and Gabasawa in
Kano emirate, as well as several villages in
Katagum, Misau, Jama'are, and Gumel
A Chronicle of Emirs of Hadejia, 1805 -
1. Umaru Bin Abdure, 1788 - 1808
Umaru bin Abdure was the first Sarkin
Fulanin Hadejia. He was appointed by Sarkin
Hadejia Abubakar, the last Habe ruler of
Kasar Hadejia. Umar was credited with
planning and leading the Jihad in Hadejia-
Auyo territories. He actually cleared the
ground and laid the foundation for Hadejia
Emirate. He did that by the authority of the
leader of the jihad movement in Hausa land,
Shehu Usman Danfodio, who sent him a flag
via his brother Muhammadu Sambo. Umaru,
who theoretically could be regarded as the
first flag bearer in Hadejia, died at Rinde in 1808.
2. Mamman Kankiya,1808-1808
Sarki Umaru was succeeded by his eldest son Mamman Kankiya. Sarkin Hadejia
Mamman Kankiya did not live long, but died a few months after and in the same year he was appointed.
3. Malam Sambo Digimsa, 1808-1845 With the death of Umar bin Abdure and his short-lived successor, Mamman Kankiya in 1808, the mantle of Hadejia's leadership fell on the shoulders of Malam Muhammadu
Sambo Digimsa, the person who three years
earlier led the bay'a delegation to the Shehu. The Shehu therefore approved his appointment. With Sambo's assumption of office, the emirate of Hadejia formally came into being. He was the real founder of the emirate, from who sprang all the successive Emirs to this day. It was Sambo who made Hadejia the capital of the emirate when he moved there from Rinde together with his patriots and members of his family. On entering the town from one gate in 1810, Abubakar, the Hausa Chief, and some of his followers moved out of the town from the opposite gate, later settling just outside the eastern gate at a place called Fantai.
Emir Sambo thereby made Hadejia his capital. He enlarged the town and constructed the Hadejia City wall (Maigari). Also, Sambo was with the building of Friday mosque in Hadejia and the appointment of an imam from among the learned Ulama in the town.
Sambo made some key appointments of masu saraute such as Chiroma, Galadima, and Madaki among others. There is no doubt that Sambo was responsible for the final collapse of the Hausa sarautu system in Hadejia and the establishment of the Fulani emirate government.
4. Garko bin Sambo, 1845 – 1847 In 1845, Sambo abdicated the emirate of Hadejia due to ill-health and old age after a long reign of thirty seven years, and retired to Mairakumi. With the approval of Caliph Aliyu Babba (1842-59), Sambo appointed his eldest son Mahammadu Garko in 1845 to succeed him as the new Emir of Hadejia.
Emir Garko’s reign was as short as it was uneventful. He died two years later in 1847.
1. Umaru Bin Abdure, 1788 - 1808
Umaru bin Abdure was the first Sarkin
Fulanin Hadejia. He was appointed by Sarkin
Hadejia Abubakar, the last Habe ruler of
Kasar Hadejia. Umar was credited with
planning and leading the Jihad in Hadejia-
Auyo territories. He actually cleared the
ground and laid the foundation for Hadejia
Emirate. He did that by the authority of the
leader of the jihad movement in Hausa land,
via his brother Muhammadu Sambo. Umaru,
who theoretically could be regarded as the
first flag bearer in Hadejia, died at Rinde in 1808.
2. Mamman Kankiya,1808-1808
Sarki Umaru was succeeded by his eldest son Mamman Kankiya. Sarkin Hadejia
Mamman Kankiya did not live long, but died a few months after and in the same year he was appointed.
3. Malam Sambo Digimsa, 1808-1845 With the death of Umar bin Abdure and his short-lived successor, Mamman Kankiya in 1808, the mantle of Hadejia's leadership fell on the shoulders of Malam Muhammadu
Sambo Digimsa, the person who three years
earlier led the bay'a delegation to the Shehu. The Shehu therefore approved his appointment. With Sambo's assumption of office, the emirate of Hadejia formally came into being. He was the real founder of the emirate, from who sprang all the successive Emirs to this day. It was Sambo who made Hadejia the capital of the emirate when he moved there from Rinde together with his patriots and members of his family. On entering the town from one gate in 1810, Abubakar, the Hausa Chief, and some of his followers moved out of the town from the opposite gate, later settling just outside the eastern gate at a place called Fantai.
Emir Sambo thereby made Hadejia his capital. He enlarged the town and constructed the Hadejia City wall (Maigari). Also, Sambo was with the building of Friday mosque in Hadejia and the appointment of an imam from among the learned Ulama in the town.
Sambo made some key appointments of masu saraute such as Chiroma, Galadima, and Madaki among others. There is no doubt that Sambo was responsible for the final collapse of the Hausa sarautu system in Hadejia and the establishment of the Fulani emirate government.
4. Garko bin Sambo, 1845 – 1847 In 1845, Sambo abdicated the emirate of Hadejia due to ill-health and old age after a long reign of thirty seven years, and retired to Mairakumi. With the approval of Caliph Aliyu Babba (1842-59), Sambo appointed his eldest son Mahammadu Garko in 1845 to succeed him as the new Emir of Hadejia.
Emir Garko’s reign was as short as it was uneventful. He died two years later in 1847.
The Government and Society of Hadejia in
the 19th Century:
The government of Hadejia in the 19th
century, like other emirates of the old
Sokoto Caliphate, was based on autocracy.
The emir who was a spiritual as well as
temporal head was at the helm of affairs. He
was assisted in governing by a class of
officials or titleholders who were resident in
his court. It was only the Sarkin Auyo who
was permitted to stay outside the
headquarters: he lived permanently at Auyo
town. The composition of these titIe holders
or Hakimai was made up of 'ya'yan Sarki
(Princes), Dangin Sarki (emir's relatives),
Barorin Sarki (clients), and Bayin Sarki
(slaves). The structure of this emirate's
administration was never dominated by the
"Fulani ruling caste", since the
heterogeneous nature of the area was
taken into cognisance in the distribution of
both civil and military offices. For example,
during Sambo's reign the title of Madaki was
held by a Bamange and that of Galadima
was given to a Ba-Auyaki, both non-Fulani
Militarily, the emir was the Commander-in-
Chief of the emirate, delegating his function
in practice to Sarkin Yaki (Captain General or
War Chief), Jarma (Chief of the Brave Ones),
Madaki, Sarkin Arewa and other war chiefs.
The composition of the entire military force
was made up of courtiers, title-holders and
their household slaves, Dogarai (the
emirate's bodyguards) and contingents
from the "fiefs". Hadejia had two broad
sectors of the army: the cavalry (Barade) and
foot soldiers. Militarily the emirate was
considered to be the strongest emirate east
of Kano. This reputation it enjoyed and
enhanced right from the days of the Buhari
Revolt up to the coming of the British.
the 19th Century:
The government of Hadejia in the 19th
century, like other emirates of the old
Sokoto Caliphate, was based on autocracy.
The emir who was a spiritual as well as
temporal head was at the helm of affairs. He
was assisted in governing by a class of
officials or titleholders who were resident in
his court. It was only the Sarkin Auyo who
was permitted to stay outside the
headquarters: he lived permanently at Auyo
town. The composition of these titIe holders
or Hakimai was made up of 'ya'yan Sarki
(Princes), Dangin Sarki (emir's relatives),
Barorin Sarki (clients), and Bayin Sarki
(slaves). The structure of this emirate's
administration was never dominated by the
"Fulani ruling caste", since the
heterogeneous nature of the area was
taken into cognisance in the distribution of
both civil and military offices. For example,
during Sambo's reign the title of Madaki was
held by a Bamange and that of Galadima
was given to a Ba-Auyaki, both non-Fulani
Militarily, the emir was the Commander-in-
Chief of the emirate, delegating his function
in practice to Sarkin Yaki (Captain General or
War Chief), Jarma (Chief of the Brave Ones),
Madaki, Sarkin Arewa and other war chiefs.
The composition of the entire military force
was made up of courtiers, title-holders and
their household slaves, Dogarai (the
emirate's bodyguards) and contingents
from the "fiefs". Hadejia had two broad
sectors of the army: the cavalry (Barade) and
foot soldiers. Militarily the emirate was
considered to be the strongest emirate east
of Kano. This reputation it enjoyed and
enhanced right from the days of the Buhari
Revolt up to the coming of the British.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
A Ranar Talata 1/2/2005 yaje Kaugama Kasar Magajin Gari.
Ranar Asabat 5/2/2005 yaje Marke Kasar Dallatu.
Ranar Talata 8/2/2005 yaje Yalo Kasar Sarkin Dawakin tsakar gida.
Ranar Alhamis 10/2/2005 yaje Dakayyawa Kasar Dan'maliki.
Ranar Lahdi 13/2/2005 yaje Kirikasamma Kasar Sarkin Dawaki.
Ranar Alhamis 17/2/2005 yaje Baturiya Kasar Durbi.
Ranar Alhamis 24/2/2005 yaje Turabu Kasar Katuka.

A Ranar Talata 1/2/2005 yaje Kaugama Kasar Magajin Gari.
Ranar Asabat 5/2/2005 yaje Marke Kasar Dallatu.
Ranar Talata 8/2/2005 yaje Yalo Kasar Sarkin Dawakin tsakar gida.
Ranar Alhamis 10/2/2005 yaje Dakayyawa Kasar Dan'maliki.
Ranar Lahdi 13/2/2005 yaje Kirikasamma Kasar Sarkin Dawaki.
Ranar Alhamis 17/2/2005 yaje Baturiya Kasar Durbi.
Ranar Alhamis 24/2/2005 yaje Turabu Kasar Katuka.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Kamar yanda na fada a baya Sarkin Hadejia Na sarakunan Habe shi ya nada Umaru a matsayin sarkin fulanin Hadejia, To su fulani sun taso ne daga Gabas da Machina akan Hanyarsu ta yin kiwo, ko da sukazo Hadejia sai suka tadda Garin akwai albarkar kiwo da noma. Hakan ce tasa suka nemi izni a basu gurinda zasu zauna A zamanin sarki Abubakar Sarki na karshe a sarautar HABE.
Kuma suna tafe ne a karkashin jagorancin HARDO ABDURE DAN JAMDOJI MACHINA. A lokacin da Umaru yake a matsayin sarkin fulanin Hadejia sai ya samu labarin jihadin da SHEHU USMANU DAN FODIYO yakeyi hakan tasa ya tashi 'yan-uwansa biyu(2) suje suyi mubaya'a a gun SHEHU.
Wato SAMBO DA LARAIMA kuma hakan sukayi Inda shehu ya basu Tutar jaddada Addinin Musulunci. Kuma ya umarci SAMBO ya tsaya a HADEJIA Shi kuma LARAIMA a MARMA. Saboda can akwai dauloli suma masu zaman kansu yayi kokarin Hadesu karkashin Daula guda daya. kamar DAWA FAGI GATURWA DA MARMA.
Shi kuma SAMBO yaci gaba da jaddada Addinin Musulunci a HADEJIA DA AUYO DA SAURAN DAULOLIN SARAKUNAN HABE A karkashin jagorancin Dan-uwansa Umaru.
Bayan rasuwar sarkin fulani Umaru SAMBO yaci gaba da jaddada Addinin Musulunci har saida suka kawar da SARAKUNAN HABE. Amma ba yaki akayi ba Sai suka Koma Fantai anan sukaci gaba da rayuwa. (wato akwai wata tsangaya a kusa da gidan Labaran fantai nan ne suka zauna) wadansu kuma suka zauna a Dalla (akwai wata duriya a dallah har zuwa Library anan suka zauna).
Sarakunan fulani sun karbi mulkin Kasar Hadejia a karkashinDaular Usmaniyya.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Kuma ya fara da Gundumar Kafin Hausa! Kasar Dan-amar.
Ranar Laraba 22/12/2004 Yaje Bulangu Kasar Wambai.
Ranar Alhamis 23/12/2004 Yaje Jabo Kasar Dan kadai.
Ranar Juma'a 24/12/2004 Mai martaba ya huta ba'aje ko ina ba.
Ranar Asabat 25/12/2004 Ma baije ko ina ba. A RANAR YA NADA DAN-BURAN ALH. ALIYU BAFFALE. Kuma Ranar Lahdi ma Hutu akayi.
Ranar Litinin 27/12/2004 Ya nufi Sarawa Kasar Barden Kerarriya.
Ranar Laraba 29/12/2004 Ya tafi Kwatalo Kasar Sarkin Kudu Alh. Adamu Haruna. Allah ya kyauta kwanciya.
Ranar Lahdi 2/january/2005 Yaje Ruba Kasar Sarkin Sudan.
Ranar Talata 4/01/2005 Yaje Duma-dumin kyaure Kasar Dan maje.
Ranar Alhamis 6/01/2005 Yaje Duma-dumin Toka Kasar Dan makwayo.
Ranar Talata 11/01/2005 Mai martaba Sarki ya nufi Guri Kasar Sarkin Shanu.
Ranar Alhamis 13/01/2005 Yaje Kadira Kasar Dan'Isah.

Kuma ya fara da Gundumar Kafin Hausa! Kasar Dan-amar.
Ranar Laraba 22/12/2004 Yaje Bulangu Kasar Wambai.
Ranar Alhamis 23/12/2004 Yaje Jabo Kasar Dan kadai.
Ranar Juma'a 24/12/2004 Mai martaba ya huta ba'aje ko ina ba.
Ranar Asabat 25/12/2004 Ma baije ko ina ba. A RANAR YA NADA DAN-BURAN ALH. ALIYU BAFFALE. Kuma Ranar Lahdi ma Hutu akayi.
Ranar Litinin 27/12/2004 Ya nufi Sarawa Kasar Barden Kerarriya.
Ranar Laraba 29/12/2004 Ya tafi Kwatalo Kasar Sarkin Kudu Alh. Adamu Haruna. Allah ya kyauta kwanciya.
Ranar Lahdi 2/january/2005 Yaje Ruba Kasar Sarkin Sudan.
Ranar Talata 4/01/2005 Yaje Duma-dumin kyaure Kasar Dan maje.
Ranar Alhamis 6/01/2005 Yaje Duma-dumin Toka Kasar Dan makwayo.
Ranar Talata 11/01/2005 Mai martaba Sarki ya nufi Guri Kasar Sarkin Shanu.
Ranar Alhamis 13/01/2005 Yaje Kadira Kasar Dan'Isah.
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